Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


The MORPHEME team is member of the SIGNALIFE Laboratory of Excellence.

Florence Besse and Xavier Descombes are members of the Scientific Committee.

Florence Besse and Grégoire Malandain participated in the selection committee for LabeX PhD programme students.


Participants : Laure Blanc-Féraud, Xavier Descombes, Eric Debreuve, Huei Fang Yang, Ana Rita Lopes Simoes.

In collaboration with Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, INRA, Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, Laboratoire J-A Dieudonné, et IMV Technologies (PME). Details on the (website )


Participants : Florence Besse [PI] , Xavier Descombes, Laure Blanc-Féraud.

The young researcher ANR project POXADRONO is in collaboration with Caroline Medioni, Hélène Bruckert, Giovanni Marchetti, Charlène Perrois and Lucile Palin from iBV. It aims at studying ARN regulation in the control of growth and axonal guidance by using a combination of live-imaging, quantitative analysis of images, bio-informatic analysis and genetic screening.


Participants : Grégoire Malandain, Xavier Descombes.

Morphogenesis controls the proper spatial organization of the various cell types. While the comparatively simple process of patterning and cell differentiation has received considerable attention, the genetic and evolutionary drivers of morphogenesis are much less understood. In particular, we very poorly understand why some morphogenetic processes evolve very rapidly, while others show remarkable evolutionary stability.

This research program aims at developing a high-throughput computational framework to analyze and formalize high-throughput 4D imaging data, in order to quantify and formally represent with cellular resolution the average development of an organism and its variations within and between species. In addition to its biological interest, a major output of the project will thus be the development of robust general computational methods for the analysis, visualization and representation of massive high-throughput light-sheet data sets.

This 4-years project started october the 1st, 2014 and is leaded by P. Lemaire (CRBM, Montpellier). Participants are the CRBM, and two Inria project-team, Morpheme and Virtual Plants.

ANR PhaseQuant

Participants : Grégoire Malandain, Eric Debreuve.

The PhaseQuantHD project aims at developing a high-content imaging system using quadriwave lateral shearing interferometry as a quantitative phase imaging modality. Automated analysis methods will be developed and optimized for this modality. Finally an open biological study question will be treated with the system.

This 3-years project started october the 1st, 2014 and is leaded by B. Wattelier (Phasics, Palaiseau). Participants are Phasics, and three academic teams TIRO (UNS/CEA/CAL), Nice, Mediacoding (I3S, Sophia-Antipolis), and Morpheme.

Inria Large-scale initiative Morphogenetics

Participants : Grégoire Malandain, Xavier Descombes, Gaël Michelin.

This action gathers the expertise of three Inria research teams (Virtual Plants, Morpheme, and Evasion) and other groups (RDP (ENS-CNRS–INRA, Lyon), RFD (CEA-INRA-CNRS, Grenoble)) and aimed at understanding how shape and architecture in plants are controlled by genes during development. To do so, we will study the spatio-temporal relationship between genetic regulation and plant shape utilizing recently developed imaging techniques together with molecular genetics and computational modelling. Rather than concentrating on the molecular networks, the project will study plant development across scales. In this context we will focus on the Arabidopsis flower, currently one of the best-characterised plant systems.